Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I wrote this poem in a creative writing class I took last semester at Umass Boston. The teacher told us to just start writing and then she would say a word that we had to incorporate into the writing. This is what I ended up with and I have underlined the words she told us to use.

N.d. Photograph. The Blog Is Mine. Slarhel Karotkl, 15 Dec. 2009. Web. 31 July 2012.          <http://www.theblogismine.com/2009/12/15/awesome-black-and-white-photography/>.

I AM purple
I have been stitched carefully. 
A mistake in a stitch was the mis-education of 
My maker. My color is a punch to the senses and I drip 
Purple like a sparrow dripping with blood. Hateful words can be 
Wrapped around you if you stand on a soapbox and preach. That's what 
My mother always told me. Instead I scream at the ocean. I look up as the sun 
Bursts open like a can of yellow paint. I look at the water and scream. I scream until 
A plastic bag drifts by. It taunts me. I break its serenity and jump in. The water washes my starvation for attention away and I AM the water.


  1. I Like it a lot! My impression of good is when you can read it again and again and like it more. Keep em' coming!

  2. Gorgeous poem, your imagery is amazing! You really personified the color.

  3. That is a clever exercise and you made a beautiful poem out of it! When I read it over again, I pretended the words weren't underlined and it flows perfectly as if you chose each word carefully to fit with your poem.

  4. Camille, writing like this is extremely hard. I remember a poetry teacher last semester had the class write down three things we loved. Then we handed the paper to the person sitting next to us and everyone had to circle the second item on the paper. Then for a homework assignment we had to write a poem using those words. It was very hard but very good for my writing. I had to find ways to step away from focusing on the 8 words and just write as freely as possible. Great job!

  5. Not only did you create a poem, but you made a story out of a few words! That's very creative and I can't wait to see more of the work you post.
